Future Focused Leadership
How to thrive in the future amid unprecedented change, complexity, and uncertainty
How to thrive in the future amid unprecedented change, complexity, and uncertainty
Dr. Michael Petty III is a foresight coach, consulting futurist and co-founder of Flagship Futures Group, LLC, the strategic foresight consulting firm. Mike has over 45 years experience in executive leadership, business, strategy formulation & execution, and finance. created and conducted workshops on the development of strategic foresight and futures thinking for the International Conference of the World Futures Society.
Dr. Thomas Vande Zande is a foresight coach, consulting futurist and co-founder at Flagship Futures Group, LLC, the strategic foresight consulting firm. Thomas has 15 years of leadership, software engineering, information technology (IT), business strategy, and project management experience. He is a veteran of both the United States Air Force and United States Coast Guard.