Future Focused Leadership Book by Dr. Michael Petty III and Dr. Thomas Vande Zande

Future Focused Leadership

How to thrive in the future amid unprecedented change, complexity, and uncertainty

It's hard to craft a strategy without seeing the future. This book will teach you how. This is a thorough yet practical approach to strategic foresight.

David Burkus
Author of Under New Management and Leading From Anywhere

About the Authors

Dr. Mike Petty

Dr. Michael Petty III is a foresight coach, consulting futurist and co-founder of Flagship Futures Group, LLC, the strategic foresight consulting firm. Mike has over 45 years experience in executive leadership, business, strategy formulation & execution, and finance. created and conducted workshops on the development of strategic foresight and futures thinking for the International Conference of the World Futures Society.

Dr. Thomas Vande Zande

Dr. Thomas Vande Zande is a foresight coach, consulting futurist and co-founder at Flagship Futures Group, LLC, the strategic foresight consulting firm. Thomas has 15 years of leadership, software engineering, information technology (IT), business strategy, and project management experience. He is a veteran of both the United States Air Force and United States Coast Guard.

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“The message Dr. Petty and Dr. Vande Zande bring in Future-Focused Leadership is critical to follow if a business is to have success in today’s rapidly changing environment. The leader that does not create foresight by working through the practices as outlined will find themselves out of the boat and being swept downstream as they desperately try to survive in class 5 rapids.”

Drew F.
CEO, Jenkins Restoration

“This is a compelling read for leaders looking to coach their team towards their next-generation success story. Packed with powerful questions, practical tools, and critical mindset markers, this book will become a go-to resource for smart, adaptive organizations looking to make their shift to the future.”

Todd K.
Leadership Growth Coach & Principal, Northwise Group

“The future. You’re thinking about it, maybe even losing sleep as you dream about it, yet, you’re not quite sure how to get there. Yes, you have your five-year plan, but enterprises today, both nonprofit and for-profit, need more than a five-year plan to arrive in the future with a viable product or service. Dr. Mike Petty and Dr. Vande Zante have a road map that will get you to the future thriving not just surviving.”

Greg L.
CEO, Convene
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